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How to write a letter of Acknowledgement for receiving share certificate.

  1. Arati's Official Letter's

How to write a letter of Acknowledgement for receiving share certificate.

How to write a letter to CO-operative housing  society (CHS) for receiving share certificate..... 

We are living in Co-operative housing society, and it issue share certificate to each flat. So to receive the same, flat owner have to give acknowledgement letter for receiving share certificate. 

Share certificate is issued to the owner of particular flat only when that flat is not loaned or mortgage with any financial institute.  

Here is the format of letter.

Everything About Housing Society Share Certificate | MyGate

Important Tip’s
  • When you write a letter or it is an official or it is an unofficial.....
  • It should be short
  • It should be easy to understand
  • It should be in simple language
  • Come straight to point, without including unnecessary matter in letter.

How to write a letter of Acknowledgement for receiving share certificate.


The Society Of,
Address & Pin Code.

SUB :- Acknowledgement for receiving Share Certificate.

Dear Sir/Maam,

This letter is to acknowledge that, we are receiving share certificate of the above said property on xx/xx/xxxx, as it  is not subject to any loan or mortgage or liability of any kind whatsoever. Kindly make a note for the same.

Thanking You,


If property was loaned is past, and now it is free from all dues then letter will be in this below given format.

The Society Of,
Address & Pin Code.

SUB :- Acknowledgement for receiving Share Certificate.

Dear Sir/Maam,
This letter is to acknowledge that, we are receiving share certificate of the above said property on xx/xx/xxxx, as it  is not subject to any loan or mortgage or liability of any kind whatsoever. Letter from _______ Bank Ltd for "No Dues" is attached to this letter. Kindly make a note for the same.

Thanking You,



Co-operative Housing Society Rules West Bengal – Advocate Chenoy Ceil


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