Arati's Official Letter's How to write a Porting letter of mobile number. MPN- M obile Number Portability. Porting means to change the sim company, with same mobile number ( without change mobile number). How to write the request letter to sim company to accept the porting of mobile number's. M/s xyz is using 10 mobile sim for official use and is not satisfy with service's provided by sim company, and wish to port the mobile number's to other. So, here is the format letter Important Tip’s When you write a letter or it is an official or it is an unofficial..... It should be short It should be easy to understand It should be in simple language Come straight to point, without including unnecessary matter in letter. How to write a Porting letter of mobile number. 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝 (On The Company's Letter Head) Date:xx/xx/xxxx ...
Hey.... Friends, This is Arati. I am here on this platform to share all my knowledge of official letter writing e.g. noc,authorization, request, emi,mtnl, acknoledgement,porting, bank, rto, mutual fund, donation, appoint, cheque book ....etc etc related letter's